photo by Rob Howard

photo by Rob Howard

Born and raised in Tokyo, Japan, Sayumi explores daily experiences and imaginations as a maker. She received MFA in Metal Arts from State University of New York in New Paltz in 1999.  Her work has been exhibited in museums and galleries in the US, Asia and Europe. 

Sayumi is a studio artist and educator. Her recent employment was New York University as an adjunct professor in Craft Media/Metalsmithing, currently at the Musashino Art University in Tokyo as adjunct lecturer. Other teaching includes guest lecturer/workshop instructor at many schools worldwide (US, Europe, Chile, Argentina, Hong Kong, Thai, Armenia, Japan). Her unique interdisciplinary workshop offers both technical and conceptual approaches in the field of art, design and contemporary jewelry to engage individual voice and the meaning of handmade.

Please visit the ‘workshop archive’ for more information or contact directory for any teaching inquiry.

Currently living and maintaining a studio in Tokyo, Japan.


1990年に渡米、visual arts を学びながら彫金を専攻。コンテンポラリージュエリーの魅力にひかれ彫金学部の大学院へ進む。

State University of New York New Paltz Metal Arts 美術学修士号終了

